Spinal Manipulation In Medical News

 In recent medical news on www.medpagetoday.com, a study was described in which "osteopathic manipulative therapy was effective in alleviating chronic low back pain to a clinically significant degree."

 Osteopathic Manipulative Therapy (OMT) is Chiropractic Manipulative Therapy without the word 'osteopathic." The study indicated that over the course of 8 weeks and 6 sessions in total, those receiving OMT had a 30% or more reductions in their pain levels. Those who were not receiving the actual OMT were instead, receiving a sham version of the treatment. Furthermore, it was found that patients were more likely to experience 50% improvements in pain levels if they were receiving manipulative therapy.

A lower back spinal manipulation movement
 This is significant news for OMT practitioners and chiropractors alike as the methods used to relieve musculoskeletal and joint pain are similar. Manipulative therapy, in general, relies on improving the range-of-motion across a joint segment. When range-of-motion is compromised, the neurology of a joint is affected and pain arises. Chiropractors and Osteopaths who choose to utilize manipulation restore the function of a joint space by affecting the soft-tissues that cross said joint.

 The beauty of this study is that it serves to confirm what many have known previously, that because we as humans are dynamic creatures who rely upon movement, soft tissues and joints are affected. When the biomechanics of these joint segments become altered and ultimately aberrant, pain ensues.

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