GMO: What Is The Truth

 We've all heard the rumors about GMO, or genetically modified organisms, and how they affect the diet of every American. But what exactly is GMO, why is it important and what are the implications with regard to health? Dr. Donohue will explain all these questions to you so you can make more informed decisions.

- What is GMO?
GMO means Genetically Modified Organisms. Genetically Modified Organisms are plants or animals created through gene splicing techniques of biotechnology. This "experimental technology merges DNA from different species, creating unstable combinations of plants, animal, bacterial and viral genes that cannot occur in nature or in traditional crossbreeding." 

- What should I look for?
High-Risk Crops include:
 - Alfalfa
 - Canola (~90% of US crop)
 - Corn (~88% of US crop)
 - Cotton (~90% US crop)
 - Papaya (most of Hawaiian crop)
 - Soy (~94% of US crop)
 - Sugar Beets (~95% of US crop)
 - Zucchini & Yellow Squash (~25,000 acres)

- Are your kids eating genetically modified foods?
According to the Non-GMO Project, a non-profit organization dedicated to revealing the truths about GMOs, "many of the foods that are most popular with children contain GMOs...cereals, snack bars, snack boxes, cookies, processed lunch meats and crackers all contain large amounts of high risk food ingredients. In North America, over 80% of our food contains GMOs." 

- What If I buy only organic?
Unfortunately, "organic certification does not require GMO testing."

- What are the most common GMO's?
The most common GMOs are soy, cotton, canola, corn, sugar beets, Hawaiian papaya, alfalfa and squash. They can also be hidden in "common processed food ingredients such as: Amino Acids, Aspartame, Ascorbic Acid, Sodium Ascorbate, Vitamin C, Citric Acid, Sodium Citrate, Flavorings, High Fructose Corn Syrup, Lactic Acid" and many more.

For more information on GMO, please refer to the website,

What's Better For Me, Fish Or Fish Oil?

 The general population is well aware of the benefits associated with regular intake of omega-3 fats, either in supplement or dietary forms. These benefits extend to the immune, nervous and cardiovascular systems to name a few, with research ongoing. 

 With regard to the debate as to whether it is more beneficial to obtain those omega-3 fats through diet or supplementation, evidence is piling up in favor of the dietary route.

 Earlier this year in March evidence was presented that indicated the dietary form of omega-3 was more beneficial than supplementation to control for blood pressure. The reason is based in the notion that the dietary form assists in the vasodilation of the smooth muscle that comprises the blood vessel walls.

 We have to remember that blood vessels are simple pipes with many layers. The smooth muscle that envelops the vessels relax (dilate) and contract based upon a number of factors, none of which are voluntary. While you can make your bicep muscle contract and relax, you cannot make your blood vessels contract and relax. Whole fish assists in the relaxation of those blood vessels, this in turn helps to lower blood pressure.

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What's Healthier For Me, Almond Milk Or Soy Milk?

 For a number of years, soy milk was extremely popular as a non-dairy alternative to cow's milk. This is especially true for the population who is lactose intolerant or simply has a sensitive gastrointestinal tract. In recent years, the trend has moved towards a different alternative milk source, that of almond milk. So, the question remains, which is the best choice for you?

 Let's start off with why soy milk has fallen out of favor. Typical soy milk has two things going against it, chiefly that it is unfermented and that it is largely produced from GMO (genetically modified organism) seeds. Unfermented soy milk is an endocrine disruptor, meaning that when consumed it can disrupt normal hormonal processes. This is true for both men and women. 

 Prevention magazine has laid out a simple diagram that can provide answers to the question posed above. Check it out to see which one is better for you...