iPad, iPad, Everyone Wants An iPad

 Ok, so here's the gist....because RASC Rockford enjoys treating patients and because the referrals that have been sent into the office have been wonderful, we want to see more!

 We also want you to know that we appreciate the business and trust you place in us for your health-care related needs. In this vein, RASC Rockford is offering a spring deal for it's patients. For every patient that is referred to the office your name will be entered into a drawing to win an iPad mini.

 Sure there are some "catches*," but the bottom line is that for every patient that comes into the office, you have a chance to win something substantial. So refer away, as the contest ends on May 15, 2013. This gives you a month and a half to get as many patients as possible. Good luck.

RASC Rockford.

*Patients must show up for appointment for entry to be valid
*Color of iPad to be chosen at end of contest
*No limit to the # of referrals
*iPad Mini will be Wi-Fi version 16 gb

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So, I Can Only Eat Cheese, Fish & Olives: A Patient Asks About The Mediterranean Diet

So let's have a conversation about the so-called "Mediterranean Diet" - what it is, why it's become so popular, if it's right for you and ultimately can it help me live a happier, healthier and all around better life.

At Rehabilitation & Spinal Care of Rockford, we'd like to get it out right away that we're huge advocates of the so-called mediterranean diet in large part because it emphasizes an abundance of:
  • Fresh vegetables and/or fruits
  • Low-fat and low-calorie cheeses
  • Healthy protein sources
  • Healthy fats
  • and lastly, de-emphasizes the use of simple carbohydrates
Without getting into the specifics of where the diet originated (um, in or around the Mediterranean Sea), detailing the long-term studies that prove its effectiveness and the biochemistry/physiology of why it works, let's just say that it works. With that out-of-the way, we can focus on the important things, like who should be eating in this manner. Maybe it's you.

The cardio-protective (heart healthy) aspects of the diet have been exhaustively studied and all come to the same conclusion, that if you have had or have a family history of heart disease, this diet can markedly decrease your chances of having a cardiac event. It's really that simple. We have to remember that, beyond all else, we are what we eat. At no other time in recorded (or unrecorded for that matter) history have we had the health-care issues that we face today. A large portion of those health-related issues revolve around inflammation and how that inflammation affects the cardiovascular system. 

An inflammatory cascade is triggered when the body, ANYWHERE within the body, senses a foreign body. Whether we are discussing cancerous cells, infectious bacteria or viruses, these are all foreign to the body and the body reacts against them. Specific foods that we eat are also considered foreign invaders by the body and, just as a cancerous cell is dealt with, specific foods are dealt with. 

The cardio-protective aspects of the diet have been extremely well-detailed and information about that can be found virtually anywhere. The benefits of a diet with the constituents listed above also are also evident in dealing with many other chronic diseases

The Mediterranean diet specifies that we should avoid these triggering foods and rely instead on the foods that evolutionarily speaking, we were raised upon. This serves to avoid the inflammatory cascade and thus reduces our risk for the many chronic diseases that are slowly over-taxing our health care system. 

As a health-care provider who deals with chronic diseases on a regular basis, the frustration that I have in helping patients overcome their reliance on the foods that are legitimately killing them is at times overwhelming. Click on the 'chronic diseases' link 2 paragraphs above and look at the list of diseases that 'eating well' can help with: Alzheimers, Diabetes, Obesity, Fatty Liver, Vascular Issues, Heart Disease. The list goes on and on.
It's very simple at the end-of-the-day. We are what we eat. No one should be shamed into eating healthier, but by realizing that what you eat can have not only at-the-time unforseen health effects that last into the future, but also bankrupt you in the process is something commonly lost in the process. Let your food be your medicine, save the money from the medications that you don't need and take a trip to, oh, I don't know where. Wait, how about Greece and that big body of water there.

Here are a few links to help you in this process:

List of the diseases that Mediterranean Diet can help improve:
A good overview:
A starter guide:
A cookbook:
Recipe storehouse:

That's The Power Of Love (of Beer)!

When Huey Lewis sang about the power of love, he obviously forgot a couple of words at the end of the song, namely, "of" and "beer."

Beer has been around for centuries, heck, multiple millennia at this point and continues to be improved upon. In addition to improvements made in the creation, processing and distribution of the 'Nectar of the Gods,' our understanding of the substance has improved as well.

For years, we, as the public have been told about the benefits of regular, moderate wine consumption as a means to improve blood pressure, relax the sympathetic nervous system and play a role in various processes by which anti-oxidants are utilized by the body. What's been lost in all the hoopla is that beer can have many of the same positive physiological processes as well.

So let's dig into it a little bit....

1. Beer, and really all alcohol, when moderately consumed (1-12 oz. beer for women, 1 or 2-12 oz. beers for men) has been shown to boost the good cholesterol (HDL), lower the bad cholesterol (LDL), thin the blood (reduce clotting incidence) and reduce the risk of stroke and/or heart attacks

2. Beer also lowers blood pressure by acting upon the smooth muscle within the vascular walls. When this smooth muscle is relaxed the blood f
lows more simply through the arteries.

3. So obviously there are heart and vascular health aspects to moderate beer intake, but what about other organs? For women, beer has been linked to a reduction in the rate of bone mineral density loss, so it may assist in slowing age-related osteoporosis while in men, it has been postulated that beer consumption can reduce the incidence of kidney stone formation.

4. Lastly, beer tends to have more vitamins, minerals and fiber than wine.

If you're looking for the beer that packs the most nutritional punch, then look for the darker beers, specifically stouts or porters as they contain higher levels of specific anti-oxidants (cancer-fighting molecules).

Sciatica And The Use Of MRI

In patients with sciatica, there is little relief with conventional therapies. The problem is usually treated effectively with physical therapy, manipulation of the sacroiliac joint and stretching. At Rehabilitation & Spinal Care of Rockford, the symptom of sciatica is a complaint that is commonly described as a sharp, shooting pain that travels down the posterior part of the thigh, into the calf and sometimes into the foot.

The use of MRI is an essential component of any orthopedic, chiropractic or physical therapy based medical practice in the diagnosis of a wide-range of conditions. However, the use of MRI should be judicious based on both the cost and benefit of the information obtained, as a recent study found.
The sciatic nerve travels down both legs

Medpagetoday.com article noted that "follow-up MR [Magnetic Resonance] images obtained among patients treated for sciatica found no discernible benefit for the repeat imaging study." For patients with sciatica, obtaining an MRI is usually indicated, but this study found that there was no benefit in obtaining a follow-up MRI following treatment. Following one year of treatment, the study found, "disk herniation could be seen on MRI in 35% of patients who reported clinical resolution of the symptoms and in 33% of those whose symptoms persisted." Essentially, the symptoms of sciatica are present in both those who have discernible disc herniation and those without discernible disc herniation at similar levels.

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The Hidden Risks Of Energy Drinks

For those of you who enjoy energy drinks, whether it be +Monster Energy+RedBull or +Rockstar, know that there are cardiac risks associated with the consumption of those drinks. Those drinks, according to a recent meta-analysis, "may raise blood pressure and interfere with the heart's electrical system, increasing the risk of sudden cardiac death." [Dr. Donohue's note: That's a bad thing!]

When taking a pooled analysis of 93 people who consumed energy drinks, the QT interval, a measure of ventricular rhythm found on ECGs, was significantly prolonged. In addition to the increased QT interval, significant increases in systolic blood pressure where found in those who consumed those drinks.

The aforementioned drinks, some of the more popular ones on the market, typically have 3 times the amount of caffeine as colas. a 16-oz can of +Monster Energy, "for example, contains 160 mgs. of caffeine, which is almost as much as five cans of soda."

The most notable and frankly terrifying aspect of this situation is that the FDA (Food & Drug Administration) can do nothing about the increased QT interval as the organization can limit the caffeine content in soft drinks, but not for energy drinks. This is due to the fact that soda is categorized as food, while energy drinks are categorized as dietary supplements, for which the FDA has no oversight.

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Spinal Manipulation In Medical News

 In recent medical news on www.medpagetoday.com, a study was described in which "osteopathic manipulative therapy was effective in alleviating chronic low back pain to a clinically significant degree."

 Osteopathic Manipulative Therapy (OMT) is Chiropractic Manipulative Therapy without the word 'osteopathic." The study indicated that over the course of 8 weeks and 6 sessions in total, those receiving OMT had a 30% or more reductions in their pain levels. Those who were not receiving the actual OMT were instead, receiving a sham version of the treatment. Furthermore, it was found that patients were more likely to experience 50% improvements in pain levels if they were receiving manipulative therapy.

A lower back spinal manipulation movement
 This is significant news for OMT practitioners and chiropractors alike as the methods used to relieve musculoskeletal and joint pain are similar. Manipulative therapy, in general, relies on improving the range-of-motion across a joint segment. When range-of-motion is compromised, the neurology of a joint is affected and pain arises. Chiropractors and Osteopaths who choose to utilize manipulation restore the function of a joint space by affecting the soft-tissues that cross said joint.

 The beauty of this study is that it serves to confirm what many have known previously, that because we as humans are dynamic creatures who rely upon movement, soft tissues and joints are affected. When the biomechanics of these joint segments become altered and ultimately aberrant, pain ensues.

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ESPN Injury Headlines: The Adductor Strain

The Adductor muscles of the thigh
The latest injury suffered by Kevin Garnett, power forward/center for the Boston Celtics has been diagnosed as a strained left adductor muscle. We must recall that the terms sprain/strain refer to injuries to the ligaments and muscles, respectively.

In this case, Garnett injured the adductor group within the left thigh but as you can see here, the adductors are really a group of muscles. It would be difficult to figure out which of the muscles he injured specifically, whether it was the brevis or longus, but treatment would probably not change much in either case.

The adductors are essential for lateral movement, and in Garnett's situation, the most difficult way to move would be laterally to the right as the muscle group would have to contract to carry the entirety of the leg in that direction.

Treatment should be aimed at passively moving the leg in an effort to keep the hip joint capsule active, while also alternating heat and cold on the affected area to stimulate healing while also preventing excessive inflammation. Massage of the affected tissues would also be indicated in large part to stimulate blood flow to the region. Were he not able to rest the muscle to allow for maximum recovery, taping the upper thigh would also be beneficial, especially during and after the game was played. Lastly and most obviously, stretching of the left thigh would certainly be indicated.

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Injuries On ESPN Headlines

 Professional and collegiate sports are multi-billion dollar industries with annual revenues that are greater than the GDP's of many countries. With that in mind, keeping the athletes that produce those revenues on the field, court, diamond, pitch or whatever ground surface that the sport is played on is paramount to the continued success and growth of those sports. It seems that daily on ESPN.com there are multiple news reports of an injury to an athlete across the spectrum of sporting activities. Whether it's an ankle injury to a basketball player, an elbow injury to a golfer, a knee injury to a football player or a concussion to a hockey player, there is no shortage of medical conditions to be discussed.

 Rehabilitation & Spinal Care of Rockford will be taking one injury/day and discussing it across the spectrum of social media, delving into the mechanism by which the injury occurs, the time frame in which the athlete should recover, treatments and limitations. Some of the information will be new to you, some of it will be interesting, and all of it will be relevant.

Instagram Photo Of Kobe Bryant's
Swollen Left Ankle
 Today, the most notable injury seems to be the sprain/strain to Kobe Bryant's left ankle. Without debating the intent of the play that led to the injury and whether Dahntay Jones intentionally placed his foot underneath Bryant, who was in mid-air attempting a game-tying jump shot, there is no doubt that the left left outer malleolus is swollen. The malleolus is the bone that protrudes from beneath the skin at the ankle region, as it does on the inside as well.

 The injury, termed an inversion sprain because the ankle inverts or turns inward upon landing, is the most common injury to the ankle. Based upon reports on ESPN.com regarding the timetable for Bryant to return to play, it can safely be assumed that the lower part of the fibula was not affected by the injury. In some cases, when the force of the landing is too great, or the bones are too weak, an avulsion fracture of the distal fibula can occur as well. This complicates the time it takes to return to activities, and can, depending on the extent of fracture have to be resolved surgically.

 The most common ligaments injured in these types of injuries include the calcaneofibular ligaments (part of the lateral collateral ligaments of the ankle) and the anterior talofibular ligaments (both seen in the diagram to the right). When these ligaments are injured the recovery time, depending on the extent of the injury can range from 2 weeks to 8 weeks.

 At Rehabilitation & Spinal Care of Rockford, ankle sprains are treated conservatively and effectively by first maintaining range-of-motion (ROM). Maintenance of ROM is essential in the early stages of healing. As a chiropractor, using passive ROM techniques helps to return edema to the lymphatic system. This assists in reduction of swelling. Adjustment of the ankle joints additionally helps to reduce both pain and swelling, while also assisting in increased ROM. Additional techniques utilized to combat the inflammation and pain include acupuncture, electrotherapy, heat, instrument-assisted soft-tissue mobilization, kinesiotaping and cold therapy.

 Lastly, physical therapy is essential for the continued rehabilitation and strengthening of the damaged soft-tissue structures. RASC Rockford has treated many conditions related to ankles and rehabilitated them successfully. If you are struggling with ankle pain, schedule your appointment today.

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Interesting News On The Medical Front

 Rehabilitation & Spinal Care of Rockford is concerned with your overall health and wellness, and in this vein attempts to provide it's blog readers with current medical information that is pertinent to them. In this particular case, a recent bit of news came out of the cardiovascular realm of medicine which has implications for musculoskeletal and nutritional health.

 One of the front-line medications for heart disease is a Niaspan, a niacin (vitamin B3) based medicine that helps to lower "bad" cholesterol (LDL, triglycerides) and raise "good" cholesterol (HDL) in the bloodstream. The express purpose of lowering the aforementioned "bad" cholesterol levels is lowering the risks of strokes and heart attacks.

 This study, the HPS-2-THRIVE, found that the extended-release niacin/laropiprant medication used in the study, while helping to raise the "good" cholesterol, has dubious value in preventing adverse vascular events. Overall, the patients within the study, and there were 25,673 of them, did experience an average drop of 10 mg/dl in LDL values and 33 mg/dl in triglyceride values, but that those drops did not result in less vascular events (stroke, heart disease).

 This is relevant to the patients of RASC Rockford in large part because of the use of niacin as a supplement to affect cholesterol levels. It also affects RASC patients because the typical next treatment for patients with cholesterol problems is a statin-drug. Statins affect the production of cholesterol within the body and can cause vague musculo-skeletal problems in patients who are taking the medication. This can be remedied with the use of CoQ-10 supplementation and RASC provides the highest quality CoQ-10 to it's patients.

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Stay Out Of The Surgeon Suite - Chiropractic Care Can Help

The surgeon suite is essential in the healthcare landscape today, but it should still always be a last resort. With that in mind, RASC Rockford would like to provide some evidence that chiropractic care can be a surgical lifeline. A recent study in Spine found that for worker's compensation patients with back pain in Washington state, there were "reduced odds of surgery were observed for those under age 35, women, Hispanics, and those whose first provider was a chiropractor (sic)."

What exactly does this mean for patients of RASC Rockford? This should let patients know that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Make sure if you are experiencing back pain that you are getting regular adjustments to decrease the risk of stenosis and deterioration of your lumbar spine.

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