Cholesterol Lowering Drugs & Exercise - A Prescription For Longer Lives

 The Lancet recently published a study which looked at mortality risk for a segment of the middle-aged population with dyslipidemia and the effect of statin-therapy and exercise. The cohort study found that "patients who took statins and were physically fit had as much as a 70% reduction in the risk of dying during the follow-up period as compared with the least physically fit patients who were taking statins." 

 Additionally, the singular use of either a stain-therapy (i.e. Lipitor) or cardiovascular exercise reduces the mortality risk for the population in question as well. 

 What does this mean? It means that exercising is an essential component of a healthy lifestyle and even 20 minutes daily of a brisk walk can have profound effects on health. We also have to remember that statin-therapy comes with some risks - and that consulting with a spectrum of physicians to find the right therapy for you is essential.

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