Core Tread & Gait Training at Fit Me Wellness

Attention all runners - next Tuesday, March 6th, join the running craze at Fit Me Wellness for Core Tread and have a computerized, digitized printout of your gait pattern examined and explained.

What is gait training you may ask? Well, let me explain. Your gait is your walking pattern, from the moment that your heel strikes the ground all the way through the entire cycle until that same heel hits the ground for your next step. Often times, this can become dysfunctional and this can lead to a large number of problems, not the least of which is back and leg pain.

The test is extremely simple and efficient, but can provide a lot of important information, especially for runners, whose feet take a lot of abuse over the course of a run.

The Core Tread program begins at 7 pm and lasts until 8 pm. Testing will take place for one hour before and one hour after beginning on March 6th.

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Upcoming Event! Learn and exercise!

Upcoming Event!
Dr. Donohue will be giving a lecture at FitMe Wellness, located at 2595 N. Mulford Rd. in Rockford, Illinois on March 13, 2012. The content of the lecture will center on neck, back and joint pain, and ways to avoid pharmacological and surgical solutions that often lead to more pain. Learn how to relieve this pain NATURALLY & ON YOUR OWN!

Dr. Donohue has given numerous lectures in the past on this very subject with fantastic results, so come prepared to learn and better yet, interact and exercise.

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