Low Back Pain - What is it and where does it come from?

Low back pain (LBP) is a non-specific term that primarily refers to pain centered over the lumbosacral junction (The lumbar spine and the sacrum or tailbone). Often times, when patients that present to the office with LBP will also describe pain that they feel in their buttocks or into their leg. Technically, this type of pain is referred to as radicular pain, meaning that there is a radiation or traveling of pain to a distant site due to the irritation of a nerve.

LBP is no joke, in any sense of the word, as it accounts for the 5th most common problem that leads patients to seek medical attention. As of 1995, the number of visits to a physician totaled 15 million annually for just low back pain. In the 17 ensuing years, that number has only risen. Back pain is the most common reason for limitation of activity in young adults and is the most frequent cause of work absences. More people miss work from back pain than from the common cold!

A chiropractor is trained to examine and diagnose back and neck pain of all etiologies, meaning from all causes. Often times, a patient will present to the office stating that they've tried medications including anti-inflammatories, muscle relaxers and a mild pain killer, but they didn't help as much as they would have hoped. They also state that they have completed physical therapy protocols and while they were doing the exercises the pain relented, but as soon as they finished the pain returned. This is where Chiropractic becomes a viable option (often last resort) for patients - and often times where they experience relief.

Back pain, and specifically low back pain is caused by many things. Most often it arises from an imbalance of musculature that causes irritation of the nerves that that supply joints. Manipulation of joints relieves these irritations and allows the body to reset.